Mentor in the Spotlight: Ewelina Wiznerowicz

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Ewelina Wiznerowicz, a product ownership mentor, has always found fulfillment in teaching and sharing her wealth of knowledge. Whether speaking at conferences, leading meetups, or giving guest lectures, Ewelina embraces every opportunity to inspire others. Today, Ewelina shares her insights into what makes a great mentor, the lessons she’s learned from mentoring, and what she hopes to achieve during her time in the Acceleration Program.

What drove you to become a mentor?

Since I’ve remembered, I loved teaching and sharing knowledge and experience. As often as I can, I participate as a speaker in various conferences and meetups. Whenever I have the opportunity, I give guest lectures. The fulfillment I get from seeing others grow and succeed is what keeps driving me to continue mentoring. There’s something special about being able to guide someone on their path and watch them achieve their goals.

What are the top three things you learned from mentoring or being a mentee?

  1. Everyone is driven by something – the key to success is to find what it is. Understanding what motivates each person is crucial to helping them unlock their potential.
  2. Be patient and understanding – you know only a small piece of someone’s life, and it’s not our role to judge but to help find a solution in the given situation. Empathy goes a long way in mentorship.
  3. You can learn from anyone – everyone has their own unique story, and if you really listen and enter the relationship with an open mind, you may learn some amazing things. Mentoring is a two-way street; it’s about growing together.

What was your favorite mentoring moment?

Don’t laugh, but I’m always happy when my mentees do their homework. I know it may sound weird, but knowing that someone spent their time doing stuff they didn’t have to makes me proud of our tandem. It’s a sign that they’re committed to their growth, and that makes all the difference. Seeing them take that initiative is incredibly rewarding.

What advice would you give to those who are new to mentoring?

Be open-minded and don’t have expectations. It’s true – we’re devoting our time so that someone else may learn something, but if you approach it by being curious about another person’s journey and dreams and the opportunity to learn, it will be beneficial for everyone. Mentoring is about guiding, not imposing your views. It’s important to remember that every mentee’s journey is unique.

What do you hope to achieve in the Acceleration Program?

It’s a great adventure and a valuable experience. I’m excited to be part of it and to continue learning alongside my mentees. The Acceleration Program offers a unique platform to connect with driven individuals, and I hope to help them navigate their paths while gaining new insights myself. For me, mentoring is about growth – both for the mentee and the mentor.